Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The night rages in silence
Bringing division in sharp relief
For the darkness reveals the true

Under blinding sun I have hidden
For day blurs colors into gray
In full light we all seem fair

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Destiny's winds are desolation
Mournful her song for mortals
Few can truly follow her banner
Yet her tide carries us all
~~Feral Goddess, A. G. Muilenburg

Monday, May 20, 2013


In sacred earth we lay singing
Our hearts twined two in one
The earth’s bones crooned to us
Fabled knowledge of our ancestors
Neither dark nor light did we grasp
For sacred loam was all encompassing
Eons passed, nestled with our brethren
The power of the earth’s foundations
A comforting mantle in which to dream
Then time began in terrifying forces
That painfully ripped us forth
From loamy bosom to shrieking space
Razored light we had never known
Shrieked across our skins
Hungry talons shore kin from kin
Cleaving us to another fate
In a mighty blow wielded by a god
We were torn asunder
My heart no longer whole
My very skin carved away
In painful birthing ‘we’ are now ‘I’
Heart wrenching in my aloneness
I cry for my soul so close, I see
And feel the throbbing sob
Of a soul lost, alone and unwhole
Reality separates us; in a gulf
Wider than the universe
And deeper than eternity
I see my soul shaped, made firm
Faceted like the stars; our ancestors
My dream, my desire, my destiny
To be at one with my heart, my beloved
In this life and all the rest
~~Feral Goddess, A.G. Muilenburg

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Come with me priestess 
Let us remember our lives
Here at the banks of the Nile
Let us dream of warm sand
And cool stones beneath our feet

Come with me priestess 
Let us remember our lives
Embracing the rising sun
Nourishing our KAs each morning
Let us sing of RA’s benevolence

Come with me priestess 
Let us remember our lives
Enfolded in sacred night
Dancing beneath the crescent moon
Rejoicing in the mysteries of Osiris

Light the incense; shake the sistrum
Come with me priestess 
Let us remember our lives
~~Thy Daughter, A. G. Muilenburg