Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Before the Sun burned all distraction away leaving Him supreme in the blue blue sky

Monday, September 28, 2015

Wave of Rebirth

Like a Celestial wave
Divinity answered my call
A Cosmic revolution
That crashed into my actuality
Emptying my being of the pointless
Allowing me to let go
Of all that does not serve my soul
Rebirthing me in the waters of life
I am ready
~~ Feral Goddess, A. Green

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Sacred Shaping

In the flaming becoming
I am birthed anew
Slipping under my skin
Like a sacred knife
The Divine reconstructs me
Charting the dwelling of my soul
Softening my corners
And roughing my surfaces
Knowing the stars of heaven
Are now in my eyes
~~Feral Goddess, A. Green

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Monsters from the Id

Witness the heavenly churning
The Id unleashed upon my skies
Demons from the inside
Shrieking from paradise
Frightened and frightening
Chaos choosing freedom
~~Feral Goddess, A.G. Muilenburg

Friday, April 17, 2015

Leftover Stardust

Every dawn our Star salutes our kinship
For from leftover stardust I am made
Peppered with scales from celestial dragons
Their fire purrs in my veins of chaos and creation
Just beneath this wyld woman's skin
The universe's foundation howls
As I ache to stretch my cosmic wings
Breaking free from this mortal helix
I wait impatiently for Ascension
Returning the salute to my kin - - The Sun
~~Feral Goddess, A.G. Muilenburg

Thursday, April 9, 2015


May my countenance reflect
The radiance of the Uncreated One 
Let my heart utter the words of power
And render the Song of Renewal
Oh grant me the gift of revealing
The Beauty of Becoming
A sacred fire for the soul
For daily we ignite into newness
~~Feral Goddess, A.G. Muilenburg

Friday, March 27, 2015


As the Divine Essence
Spills across all possibilities
In the inferno of reawakening
Our souls are enticed to soar
~ ~ Feral Goddess, A.G. Muilenburg

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Dua Heru-Ur see glory in His Ascension
Hail Great Distant One Great Warrior God
You whose flight reached beyond eternity Giving me sustenance in the darkness
Bringing me beauty with both Eyes
Offer praise to the Great Falcon
In His flight across the heavens
He who shines in my heart
~~ Feral Goddess, A.G. Muilenburg

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


As my soul waits to be filled
With splendor from the Divine
So too my heart waits
For restoration to former beauty
Lifted up honorably
Reconstructed in virtue
Awakening love . . . Again
~~ Feral Goddess, a.g. muilenburg

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Sacredness Ascends

My event horizon rips open
Vulnerable flesh is shattered
Like a shimmering reflection
Of what my soul longs for
Sacredness ascends and
The Divine fills the real me
~ ~ Feral Goddess, A. G. Muilenburg