Transformation has been on my horizon since October of 2011 - honestly its a constant in my life. But transformation takes a large role for me right now - changes on all fronts. Transformation the theme in everything I touch now - even jewelry projects.
poetry has become raw - feral - goddess becoming human becoming goddess. Changes are coming - change I want and changes I don't, changes I know are for the best and changes that will break my heart. Unavoidable transformation from inside me, unlooked for and expected changes. Transformation around me in the physical world and in the spiritual. I am standing on the precipice - the storm of creation comes. While we should all embrace change and transformation - for this is how we grow, it has always been scary. The giving up of one things to gain another. The pain of birth not knowing where we will arrive or who we will be after the transformation. I have begun to look at change (hopefully) as the butterfly or the , dragonfly which I think is more appropriate. The
dragonfly spends the majority of its life as as nymph - and in water. Then to chrysalis, change and emergence into a new life in a new element.
I definitely feel this is what death holds for us as the gateway from one life to another AND one element to another. I see this cycle repeated here in our lives constantly - in small ways for sure especially if we are growing, testing our boundaries and not content to stay in stasis or the cocoon. Does the butterfly or rosebud give up? Never - unless harsh environmental conditions prevent their change. They struggle to change - its painful to emerge transformed. For I believe birth is bloody and painful, the butterfly struggles and must emerge from a small opening in order to pump fluids into the wings. If you help the butterfly emerge his wings will never enlarge and he will never fly and he dies. Thus the pain of transformation fades in the glory of new life.
This too can happen to us homo sapiens. Our environment can keep us in stasis - this balance of who we are and what we have, content to remain in the silky funerary wrappings. Content to keep the warm status quo of who we think we need to be or what our culture told us to strive for - once attained there is no further striving. Our environment can also destroy us, remove us completely off earth's radar or demote us so quickly in stature, ego, emotion and physicality that we never grow, we never enlarge - withering and dying inside which leads to dying on the outside. So here change happens but in the saddest and most negative way that is not productive,
But if we keep a firm eye on our spirituality, and are content to never be content with who or what we are, constantly striving to be a better being while here on earth - we grow, we change, we transform. Transformation the very essence of Khepra - :He Who Is Coming into Being - I feel this - this is my prescribed course now - was - always. When the pain peaks I am almost complete for I am coming into being