Sunday, January 22, 2012

Timbered Haven

Yesterday was a day spent  roaming the countryside with my beloved.  I was on a tree trip.  I am completely in love with trees, especially winter trees.  I am of the opinion that during the winter when trees are naked to all the world, divested of their finery you can see their very souls.  Hallowed acolytes of the solar divinity with their branches uplifted in praise and adulation, drinking in the love from above.  I see them rooted in place forfeiting their ability to move freely in order to devote all their time to giving praise and receiving celestial sacredness from the Divine; connected through the earths foundations to the very Tree of Life.

I certainly could not capture the essence of what I see when I dwell on their timbered greatness.  I feel their wondrous energies even in the winter time - mostly definitely in the winter time.  Their very different personalities all stretched to the heavens with one objective - to give their undivided attention and adoration to the Divine. My first tree captured below; I just love this tree, the setting and yes the energy here. Such beauty from the earth.  Standing tall and righteous in the middles of a very old cemetery in one of the small towns we drove through {a trip I must make next time - the dates in this cemetery dated back to the early 1800's}.  This day of re-connection and re-discovery was well deserved and much needed. Trees carry the knowledge of the world for me,  much like ancient priests telling us primeval secrets passed straight from the very foundations of the earth, the rocks {my other love}and showing us how to give praise and adoration to the Uncreated One above. 

Trees are sanctuaries.   
Whoever knows how to speak to them, 
whoever know how to listen to them, 
can learn the truth ~~Hermann Hesse

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