Friday, April 27, 2012

Haloed Ascension

I just love the Sun.   Here the Divine Uncreated One heralds his ascension in such haloed glory.  I definitely connect with  ancient civilizations association of  a creator deity and the sun.  The rising of the sun is indeed like a birthing.  This daily miracle is spiritually moving, bringing life in its various forms and stages to our tiny jeweled marble, nestled so comfortably in the deeps of the cosmos surrounded by an entire family of suns in our Milky Way community. 

So yet again today I am in awe of our smallish yellow star and how the simple act of planetary rotation fills me daily with connectedness to my deities; reminding me how small yet significant we all are.  The next time you wake at sunrise, take five minutes and step outside and just breathe in the glory of the sun's daily birth.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Anchoring Inspiration

What anchors and inspires me the most?  My beloved, as partially seen here in his bare chested sexiness and his very kingly beard, anchors me in his totally non-judgmental spirit, his true love and his unswerving faith in myself and in a different spiritual belief structure yet same deity as I.

The other anchoring inspiration is seen protecting my beloved's heart.  The ancient Egyptian Ankh. . .the symbol of sacred life.  My faith, my belief structure that hinges on this lovely ankh - the key, the symbol of sacred life - this anchors my KA or spirit, inspires me to be a better human, keeps me open to all that is good, shielding me from all that is destructive to my being.

Combined with the holiness in my beloveds spirit . . .truly my deities watch over me, actively working for my wholeness as a being.  How can I not be anchored in this now and inspired by all that is me coming into being?

Sunday, April 8, 2012

New Adventures Down Old Roads

At the end of March I turned another year older - funny the 19 year old inside doesn't feel any older.  But I am definitely into my 40s and not only am I okay with it, but rocking it I feel - I am enjoying who I am and where I am in life.  For my birthday I treated myself to a wonderful tarot reading from my friend Sophie at Sophie's Wisdom Tarot..  Something I have been doing for 20 years is giving myself a yearly reading as a birthday present.  I learned  somethings about myself that I think down deep I already knew this time.  Sophie's fantastic intuition with her compassion and understanding really brought home what I need to do, what I need to avoid, what I need to embrace and what I need to let go so hopefully this humble artisan priestess can meet her gods with grace.

As usual I have many plates and all my plates are full - a situation this quirky slightly OCD personality enjoys. Of course there is schoolwork, day work, artistic endeavors that take the form of gemstones, metal clay, photography and of course my writing that seems to possess my soul and drive everything else into the dust.   My spirituality however must take center stage then family.  Seems each of my plates are sections of my life.  This new year (my new year that commenced on the day of my birth this year) I have decided must be restructured.  My spirituality is now the house where my table and plates resides.

So time for schoolwork, time for day work and as always writing takes me over whenever it pleases.  Most importantly there will be time to relax, time to mediate and time to just focus on my deities.  I always have time to snap images of the Sun or trees that let me see the nymphs inside.

New words are building to be written forth, new characters from old manuscripts are clamoring for their stories to be told and new adventures are being laid open down old roads for me and my pencil.  Here are more pics of the lovely Texas Bluebonnets that frame my ride to and from work like a heady parade and wonderful trees that sing their praises to RA daily.